Market Updates And Trading Lessons – Dave Landry on Trading

Market Updates And Trading Lessons

25 Trading Resolutions For 2025-Part 3: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave resumes his Methodology In Action/Mind The Trade series. This week, he focused on the trading psychology[...]
25 Trading Resolutions For 2025-Part 2: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave showcases his methodology in action by explaining the "Textbook TKO," updating the live Crypto trade, explains[...]
25 Trading Resolutions For 2025-Part 1: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave continues to showcase his methodology in action by explaining discretion on a stop nick, waiting for[...]
“Failing” To Succeed: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave continues to show his "methodology in action" with two mystery charts, update his the TFM 10%[...]
Riding Trends, Dealing With Disrupters: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
Dave discusses his “methodology in action” with a new mystery chart, mystery chart reveals, explains discretion on gaps, shows recent[...]
Trading Erratic Trends-Quality Over Quantity: Dave Landry’s Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave showcases his methodology in action by introducing three new mystery charts, revealing one mystery chart, updates[...]
Two Questions That You Must Answer (Honestly!): Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
Dave once again showcases his methodology in action by reviewing recent mystery charts, showing a new one, updates his TFM[...]
On Your Next Trade (and only that one trade) DO THIS: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave continues to showcase his methodology in action with a "smoke 'em if you got 'em report,"[...]
IPOs Are Heating Up: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave continues to showcase his "methodology in action" with a mystery chart reveal, upates his TFM 10%[...]
Rest Assured, Technical Analysis Is Alive And Well: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave continues to showcase his methodology in action by following up on a recent trade recommendation, updates[...]
The ONE Thing That You Must Do Before Every Trade: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave showcases his "methodology in action" with a follow-up on a recent mystery chart, reveals two mystery[...]
The Key To Longer-term Trading Success-Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave showcases his "methodology in action" with a "smoke'em report," a new mystery chart, updates a recent[...]
“Free Rolling:” Your Secret To Longer-term Trading Success-Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave shows his methodology in action by discussing an open stock and Crypto trade, updates his TFM[...]
Want To Capture BIG Moves?, Then You Better Understand This Concept-Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave showcases his "Methodology In Action" by revealing a mystery chart, updating his TFM 10% System, and[...]
Seek Simiplicity Over Complexity: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
Dave showcases his methodology in action with mystery chart reveals, introduces a new mystery chart, shows how he and his[...]
Solve Your Trading Problems With These Eight Things: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave provides eight things to help struggling traders. He also discussed his "methodology in action" with an[...]
Trading Puts Vs. Shorting-Too Good To Be True?: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave shows his methodology in action by presenting a new mystery chart, updating an existing position/his TFM[...]
See Each Position To Its Fruition: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts-A Million Little Things Part 7
In this episode, Dave showcases the methodology in action by showing a live winning trade, discusses trading options as a[...]
Stop Searching And Start Finding: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts
In this episode, Dave shows his "methodology in action" by updating his TFM 10% Market Timing System with the Ps[...]
All Of Dave Landry's Posts